Joshua Tree Music Festival welcomes up to 200 volunteers each event and each of you plays a very special part in making the festival happen. We look forward to welcoming you to the family.

Work Exchange FAQ
All the things you need to know about JTMF Work Exchange.
Why participate in the Work Exchange program?
The festival could not happen without all our amazing Work Exchangers! You get to be part of the JTMF community and part of the Festival on a deeper level which is why so many of our participants come back year after year. It’s a great opportunity to make new friends, connections and contacts. And of course, you get a free ticket for your efforts!
What is the age requirement?
You need to be 18 by the first day of the festival. If you are working at the Beer Garden or Bar, you need to be 21 by the first day of the festival (you will also need a current CA RBS to serve alcohol). We will request ID/proof of age.
What/when is the Mandatory Orientation/Training?
The meeting is held on Thursday at 5pm in the music bowl. The meeting will begin with a brief overview of the festival layout, rules, and safety. After the orientation you will meet with your area manager to do a short training for your role. It’s also an opportunity to meet your area manager and your fellow work exchangers! If you are onsite and not scheduled for a shift, you are expected to attend the Mandatory Orientation/Training. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please let us know (email! Failure to attend this meeting may result in a $20 inconvenience fee.

Do I need to pay a deposit?
Yes. It’s easy to get carried away at festivals, we totally get that, so consider it a little goodwill that you intend to carry out your obligations. Show up to all your shifts on time and sober, play by the rules and fulfil your duties to the best of your ability and you’ll get your full refund back within 10 days of the festival and be welcomed back for many Joshua Tree Music Festivals to come!
What is the non-refundable processing fee for?
We ask all Work Exchangers to pay the $15 non-refundable processing fee. This covers our bank fees to process the deposits and refunds plus administration costs.
When do I receive my deposit back?
You will receive your deposit back within 10 days after the festival. You will receive your full deposit, minus the $15 admin fee, provided you successfully complete all your scheduled shifts.
How much time do I need to commit?
The general time commitment is 4 shifts/16 hours in exchange for a festival ticket, or 6 shifts/24 hours in exchange for festival ticket and meals*. This does vary somewhat between roles so please check your role description for more information.
*Meals = lunch & dinner Friday, Saturday & Sunday during the festival, if you are working outside of these days, please plan to bring meals/snacks & water.
Are meals included?
If you work a certain number of hours (typically 24 during event or 28 pre-event) you get crew meals which are lunch and dinner Friday, Saturday & Sunday during the festival. If you are working outside of these days, please bring your own food, snacks, water etc.
Is parking/camping included?
Your wristband includes walk-in tent camping during the festival in the main campground, and free parking in the Day Park lot. If you are camping in your vehicle or would like to have your vehicle with you in the campground you will need to purchase the appropriate vehicle pass for the length of your vehicle. Work Exchangers will receive a promo code for $25 off vehicle passes.
Do I choose my own schedule?
We will choose 2 of your shifts in the area you have been accepted for once your application has been approved. You are responsible for signing up for your 3rd shift and any additional shifts (if you are working for meals).
*Note for last minute sign ups, we may allocate your schedule based on the shifts we have left.
Can I sign up for more than 1 shift a day?
You can, but please try to schedule them with a break in between ie. no back-to-back shifts. If you schedule yourself for doubles, we will most likely reschedule you and send you updated shifts.
Please do NOT schedule yourself for more than 2 shifts in a day, if you do, you will be rescheduled and sent your updated shifts.
Can I work in different areas?
All work needs to be completed in the same area. This will help us make sure you have the proper training to be the best *insert role here* you can be!
Can I delete/switch my shifts?
Please do not. It makes it really difficult for us to stay organized when we have to shuffle your shifts so please choose wisely and double check your days/times before making your final selection. You can always email us at if you have questions.
I need to change/cancel a shift during the festival
If you need to cancel or change a shift during the festival, please notify your Area Manager or the Volunteer Coordinator IMMEDIATELY to give us as much time as possible to reschedule you and find a replacement. We will do our best to accommodate you. Failure to show up at your shift or not giving us adequate notice (wherever possible) may result in forfeit of your deposit.
I signed up but can no longer attend
If you are unable to participate in the work exchange but have already been accepted and/or signed up for shifts, please email us at
Cancellations made within 10 days of the start of the event will incur a $50 cancellation fee, if you have to cancel within 3 days of the event start you forfeit your entire deposit. Reminder: the $15 processing fee paid as part of your deposit is not refundable.
Please note: shifts cannot be transferred to a friend as some areas have special requirements. This policy is firm so we can keep it consistent for everyone.
When can I arrive?
We encourage you to come early and get settled. Work Exchangers may arrive and start setting up their camps starting on Wednesday from 2pm onwards. Please note Box Office / Will Call hours here:
- WEDNESDAY 2pm – 8pm (must have early entry pass, if not volunteering)
- THURSDAY & FRIDAY – 8am – 11pm
- SATURDAY 8am – 10pm
- SUNDAY 8am – 6pm
Please do not arrive before this time UNLESS your scheduled shifts require you to do so. PREFEST Work Exchangers – you may arrive the morning of your shift, OR if you are scheduled for a morning shift, you may arrive the afternoon before. Work Exchangers will be able to camp on site starting Monday, provided they are scheduled to work.
Where do I check in when I arrive?
Check in at the one and only Will Call Booth / Box Office at the festival entrance on Sunfair Road. Please keep an eye out for an email from Afton Tickets with your barcoded ticket. You will receive this closer to the event – this is the ticket you will need to bring to Will Call, please also bring your photo ID.
Where do I park?
Work Exchangers can park in day parking for free and walk their gear into the campground. If you wish to camp with your vehicle you will need the appropriate vehicle pass (Car or RV depending on the length of your vehicle). You will receive a special link to purchase a discounted Car Pass or RV Pass in your confirmation email. If you are working PREFEST, please park in Day Parking and walk in.
What should I bring to my shift?
Closed toe shoes are a MUST. If you show up in flip flops, sandles, barefoot or in anything other than closed toe shoes, you will be sent back to camp to change in to more appropriate footwear.
Water and sunscreen are helpful, snacks if you‘re the hangry type, and a great attitude and big smile always go a long way 🙂
Showing up on time & sober
Work Exchangers agree to show up on time and sober. If any manager has reason to suspect that a team member is under the influence of alcohol or drugs during a shift, the team member will be relieved of their duties, may be relieved of future shifts, and will forfeit their deposit. If a manager finds out after the fact that a team member was under the influence of alcohol or drugs during a shift, the team member will forfeit their deposit and may be relieved of any future shifts. Show up sober, absolutely no exceptions will be made.
Where do I check in for my shift?
You will check in at the location /area where you are working in most cases. You will find out where this is and meet your area manager at the Mandatory Meeting at 5PM on Thursday. If you are not sure where to go, check in at the Production Trailer 15 mins prior to your shift and we’ll point you in the right direction.
EXCEPTION is if you are signed up for a shift on Monday after the festival. Refer to the Prefest FAQ below.
Where do I check in for a Monday ‘strike’ shift?
- ALL Monday shifts are general festival clean up and breakdown.
- Regardless of the area you are assigned to, if you sign up for a Monday, you will report to PRODUCTION at the beginning of your shift to get assigned.
- Please ensure you SIGN IN and SIGN OUT with the Volunteer Manager so we know you completed your shift.
- You will be given post-event credentials that will allow you to stay on-site after 11am on Monday.
- Please completely breakdown and pack up your camp before your 9am shift.
- Please drive any cars/RVs you may have in the campground into the day lot located right outside of the festival before your 9am shift.
- Please report to the Production trailer at 9am.
Can I just show up to work?
No, we can only have you on site if you are scheduled so please sign up via our sign up page.
When can Prefest volunteers arrive?
You may arrive on the morning/day that you start work.
Can I camp onsite?
You may camp onsite from the Monday prior to the festival PROVIDED you are working that day. Please do not arrive earlier than the day that you are scheduled to work (you may arrive the afternoon before if you are scheduled for a morning shift).
What should I bring?
Appropriate clothing and footwear (must have close toed shoes), food & snacks (as there will not be food on site yet), water and whatever else you need to get through the day. Yes – if you have your own tools and would like to bring them, please do!
Can I just show up?
NO. Please do not just show up on site. You must be on the schedule or you will be sent home.
Can I camp onsite?
There are paid sites available in the campground that you may purchase if you are coming from out of town and would like to stay on site. Please ensure you have arranged and paid for your campsite with the campground office before commencing work. There is also free dispersed camping nearby on the BLM land on Sunfair Rd.
What should I bring?
Appropriate clothing and footwear (must have close toed shoes), food & snacks (as there will not be food on site yet), water and whatever else you need to get through the day. Yes – if you have your own tools and would like to bring them, please do!