Safety & Harm Reduction

We're proud to work with some amazing organizations who provide resources onsite (and year round) to help us provide a safe space!


The JTMF Rangers are not security and they are not your mom. They are festival lovers just like the rest of us. They are trained to deal with a myriad of situations that may arise at a festival and they dedicate a portion of their time at the festival to looking out for the rest of us. They are probably wearing khaki and can be identified by their ‘ranger’ shirts. You can find Ranger HQ in the campground near the shower trailer.

Our JTMF Safety Team help us maintain a safe and supportive environment. They’re also here because they love and enjoy the festival just like the rest of us! Don’t hesitate to flag them down if you need assistance. They’re happy to help.


The amazing team from Lighthouse Medical have a highly trained staff of Medical Doctors, EMTs, Registered Nurses & Paramedics on site to provide first aid and emergency services 24 hours a day for the duration of the event. You can find the medical tent on the north side of the lake.


We are honored to partner with DanceSafe. This wonderful non-profit organization shares resources and education with festival attendees about substances, sexual health, consent and more. You can find DanceSafe on the west side of the lake at the festival.

DanceSafe is a volunteer-based nonprofit organization. They provide free services, supplies and education tens of thousands of festival patrons each year. Support their work with a tax-deductible donation.

Visit their website for educational and substance testing resources.


Joshua Tree Music Festival has partnered with REES (Respect, Educate, Empower Survivors) to  provide online reporting for unwanted sexualized behaviors. REES allows festival-goers,  performers, staff and volunteers to create a record of the incident and share it with festival  organizers. REES also provides information about community-based resources such as sexual  assault centers, healthcare and other support services. 

REES can be accessed online at any time, year-round. Simply go to the website and select Joshua Tree Music Festival from the drop down list.