youssoupha joshua tree california music festival

Grammy Award nominated Youssoupha Sidibe hails from Senegal, West Africa, and though he currently resides in Amherst, Massachusetts, he continues to share the story of his West African heritage through his music.

SAT 11:35AM

His music is deeply infused with a longing for the full realization of divine love in this world. Youssoupha’s musical career began over twenty years ago in his home of Senegal, West Africa, where he was trained as a Kora (a mix of lute and harp from West Africa) player at the National Music Conservatory of Senegal. There are few instruments that can stand alone with no vocals or percussion. Sometimes it is the musician who imbues the instrument with dimension, while other times, the instrument itself is so powerful that it carries its own rich soul and the musician is but a puppeteer. In the case of Sidibe, both instances are true.

Band Website: