Hi my name is Willow,  a born and raised Californian; I come from ancestral, Indigenous roots in Mexico. My influence in the healing arts began as a child witnessing and learning from my grandmothers and tias utilizing home remedies to heal ailments or performing an egg “barrida” (cleansing) to remove a “susto”  or “mal de ojo” (evil eye) or a ‘limpia’  utilizing herbs and flowers.

My healing modality blends ancient practices of Curanderismo, Shamanism, energy medicine and Reiki to address the whole person: body, emotions, mind, relationships, and spirit. Whether you choose an Energy Healing session or a shamanic offering,  each session is unique to you.

I have found my purpose through my journey which I honor with love and gratitude; I have learned to love and appreciate every moment spent healing my energy, my spirit and my heart.  I look forward to sharing my gifts with you.

Website: www.energyhealingbywillow.com