Vir McCoy: Intuitive Access
Sunday 12:30pm-145pm, Sanctuary

After suffering from Cancer, Lyme disease, Long-Haul, Covid, Mast Cell Activation syndrome, mold, parasites and on. Vir was able to completely heal from all of these ailments with the help of doctors and healers, AND by determining what his body really needed by using his intuition. Out of these illness Vir developed the skill of a Medical Intuitive, and had many a remedy come to him as well as develop insights into the nature of disease itself. Vir has written two books Liberating Yourself From Lyme, and Healing Therapies for Long Covid, both published by Inner Traditions / Simon and Schuester. Vir is also working on another book: Cancer Insights.

Vir is also a well known musician and lives with his wife Heather Christie, (A powerhouse musician in her own right) with their daughter Naya in Los Angeles.