Lady Egg

The Lady Egg lives in downtown Phoenix AZ. She studied Sculpture at Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia. She was raised on Windows 95 and Legos. The internet ruined her life in the best way possible. She juggles (literal objects as well as metaphorical hats). She’s nostalgic. She paints (a lot). She loves power tools and taking naps. She’s queer. She is a strong independent female artist (and a Silly Little Guy). She is hype about mental health and encourages unhinged vulnerability. She is a gentle reminder— to remain present, grateful and empathetic. She struggles with intimacy in all shapes and forms, but everyday she is learning how to reconnect with The World. She’s a big baby pretending to be a real person.

The name, The Lady Egg, is inspired by a phrase that originated in the early 1800’s. “Egg on my face,” is used to express a mistake or admit wrongdoing. I embrace this concept when I am creating art (and living life), allowing for the trial and error required to grow. The standard is not perfection, but rather, a willingness to understand and learn.