Jason Robo: Don't Be Trashy Get Zero Wasted
Saturday 2:15pm-3:30pm, Sanctuary

Robo was Humboldt State University’s Campus Recycle Program education coordinator while he double majored in politics and economics. His senior political science project was “You Are What You Eat, Do You Know What You Are?” In San Diego Community College he co-founded the club “Be Healthy,” lobbying for healthier food. Wielding reusable cups, plates, water bottles, and utensils, Robo is a formidable foe of wasteful ways. Robo shares his reusables with resources so others are also not trashy.

Extraordinarily mindful Robo is called a “good gringo” in his travels. Avoiding products trashing our bodies and nature facilitates a healthier people and planet. DBTGZW covers a wide spectrum of our existence.

Walking the talk, Robo sports natural fiber clothing. Energetically speaking faux fibers disrupt biological function. He also wears sweatshop free clothing to avoid default wardrobes based on modern day slavery, which is also quite trashy. Robo encourages more plant-based diets since animal agriculture primarily causes deforestation, water waste, and grain usage. Human health also suffers from factory farming. Metaphysically we embody products we consume.

DBTGZW was featured at The Greater/People’s Reset (thegreaterreset.org), Solar Punk Summit (solarpunksummit.com), Seeds Transcendence (seedstranscendence.pro), Blue Hill Farms’ Freedom Activations (truthloveandfreedom.com), and Music and Sky (musicandsky.com).