Gerardo González (b. 1976) San Juan, Puerto Rico, currently residing in the High Desert, Pioneertown
CA. Studied media, electronic music production and audio engineering at SAE Barcelona, Spain.
After working 20+ years in professional audio and sound environments throughout Europe, USA and
Puerto Rico, González is now focused on frequency therapy-specializing in the sound therapy method,
Biofield Tuning.
He is a direct student of Biofield tuning founder Eileen Day Mckusik, and also Mentee of former research director at the Biofield Tuning Institute, biomedical engineer, Kimberly Schipke MS. Jerry is a certified biofield tuner and beta tester/pioneer using Schipke’s new green laser technology, Spectrochrome laser. He incorporates sonic pure tones, binaural beats and light technologies like infrared, green spectrochrome and red light panels into his practice. In his free time he loves to record and design sounds. Mixer and editor as profession, recently compiling and editing three sample packs for sound designer Amon Tobin and his new record label Nomark Records. Also releasing his debut record of abstract electronica featuring multi instrumentalist Shahzad Ismaily.