This genre bending duo is a hybrid of musical styles centered around hip hop, funk and didgeridoo.

Fused by the funk. Gorangutang is the musical collaboration of Tra’zae Lewis Clinton and William Thoren. The genre bending duo is a hybrid of musical styles centered around hip hop and didgeridoo. Tra’zae is a rapper, multi-instrumentalist and prolific producer. He is the grandson of funk legend George Clinton and learned to rhyme before he could speak. William is an LA based didgeridoo performer and crafter. He is best known for developing the multidrone didgeridoo, which expands the instrument’s playable range to work more dynamically with western tuned instruments. They first met in Berlin, Germany during the 2011 George Clinton and Parliament Funkadelic tour. William started playing didgeridoo back stage and Tra’zae jumped in, spontaneously rapping over his playing. They soon began writing and recording on the road and opening shows for P Funk. Will & Tra’zee were part of the Markus Meurer Didj Journey at JTMF in October 2019.

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